"Incredible Moments Make Unforgetable Memories!"
I just got my new cards in the mail and I couldn't be happier! My first set of cards were nice but there were very hard to read because I tried to fit everything on the front of the cards. This time I put my contact information on the back and kept the design as simple as possible.
You might recognize the picture on the front as one from the "Father's Day" slide show on my gallery page. Although I don't think this picture isn't one I consider as one of my best works (when it comes to contrast, lighting, etc.), it is a photograph of the most wonderful thing God has ever given me the pleasure of helping create: my beautiful son. I started to have him on my cards in the beginning but wasn't sure if I needed to show everything I was capable of, and I might even change the design down the road, but he will be on there from now on no matter what! I love doing photography, but I am still a mom first!
Look for the new cards in the area!!!